The cultural/lacrosse exchange of teams between Anne Arundel County and the communities of Northwest England began with the boys' first tour in 1976.  The girls’ first tour was in 1996 and has continued ever since. The girl’s exchange program was founded by Steve Willett & Steve Barry in Anne Arundel County.  On even numbered years, the Metros visit Maryland and on odd number years, the Crosse Over team travels to England. Over 1,500 Anne Arundel County youth lacrosse players have “crossed the pond” to play lacrosse and learn more about another culture.

The Anne Arundel girls are nominated by their various recreation league commissioners, coaches, as well as former players and their families. Successful candidates are chosen based on their attitude, emotional maturity, and lacrosse skills. The Crosse Over program strives to include some of the finest lacrosse players and all around individuals on the team’s roster to represent the best that Anne Arundel County has to offer. Acceptance to the Crosse Over program is a two year commitment consisting of hosting a Metro player for a Tour and traveling to visit the Metros on another Tour. The team has consisted of players from all over Anne Arundel County including representatives from Arden, BAYS, BUCS, CYLA, DAA, Elvaton, General’s Highway, GSPAA, St. John's and St. Mary’s Annapolis youth programs. We are also a "501c3 non-profit organization.

Many long lasting friendships have been forged over the years through the Tour as many former players keep in contact with each other and their families and have visited each other outside the Tour.  It is because of this the Tour’s motto is “Friendship through Lacrosse”.